Kiki Slaughter

Kiki Slaughter

"Over the past two decades, I have dedicated my artistic practice to the act of painting. This collection tells the story of my deeply personal process, with every stroke, splatter, and stain of paint shaping the narrative of my days. My technique is a delicate balance of spontaneity and precision, both intuitive and intentional. Tapping into creative flow, I work in the moment, pouring, scraping, and layering paint to create meditative compositions that explore the relationship between color and time. 


For me, it has always been about painting–both the physicality of the mark, and the mental presence in the act of mark making. I am a process-based artist, intuitively building my canvases in reaction to the world around me. The simplicity of bold blocks of color belie many-layered, complex compositions built up over time, like living ecosystems.  The resulting works are imbued with the essence of place, engaging the viewer in a collective feeling that is greater than ourselves."

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